The basics of robotics are one of the rare subjects to be handled as a whole in a due to the extreme diversity of scientific technologies it incorporates. It uses quite many fields of technology, for example; mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer sciences, electronics, sensors, actuators and artificial intelligent. It is a multidimensional area which takes advantage of all engineering studies that exist in our life besides a hard mathematical module application which is required to be applied. One of the biggest challenges of writing this thesis was to uncover enough material that involves robotic design.


    Hard automation :
                                This kind of automation cannot handle product design variations, mass production for example; conventional machinery, packaging, sewing and manufacturing small parts. Adjustability is possible but it can only handle specific tasks with no possibility of changing its own task. These machines can be seen in our homes (washing machines, dish washers, etc).

Programmable Automation:

                                          This form of automation began with the arrival of the computer. People began programming machines to do a variety of tasks. It is flexible because of a computer control, can handle variations, batch product, and product design.

Need for using robotics in industries: 

                            Industrial robot plays a significant role in automated manufacturing to perform different kinds of applications.

 1. Robots can be built a performance capability superior to those of human beings. In terms of strength, size, speed, accuracy…etc. 

2. Robots are better than humans to perform simple and repetitive tasks with better quality and       consistence’s.

 3. Robots do not have the limitations and negative attributes of human works .such as fatigue, need for rest, and diversion of attention…..etc. 

4. Robots are used in industries to save the time compared to human beings. 

5. Robots are in value poor working conditions 

Future Applications of Robots: 

The profile of the future robot based on the research activities will include the following,

  •  Intelligence
  •  Sensor capabilities
  •  Telepresence 
  •  Mechanical design
  •  Mobility and navigation (walking machines) 
  •  Universal gripper
  •  Systems and integration and networking
  •  FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems)
  •   Hazardous and inaccessible non-manufacturing environments
  •  Underground coal mining
  •  Fire fighting operations 
  •  Robots in space 
  •  Security guards 
  •  Garbage collection and waste disposal operations
  •  Household robots
  •  Medical care and hospital duties etc


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