Introduction to Amazon Web Services

Introduction to Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS), a subsidiary of, has invested billions of dollars in IT resources distributed across the globe. These resources are shared among all the AWS account holders across the globe. These account themselves are entirely isolated from each other. AWS provides on-demand IT resources to its account holders on a pay-as-you-go pricing model with no upfront cost.  Amazon Web services offers flexibility because you can only pay for services you use or you need. Enterprises use AWS to reduce capital expenditure of building their own private IT infrastructure (which can be expensive depending upon the enterprise’s size and nature). AWS has its own Physical fiber network that connects with Availability zones, regions and Edge locations. All the maintenance cost is also bared by the AWS that saves a fortune for the enterprises.

Security of cloud is the responsibility of AWS but Security in the cloud is Customer’s Responsibility. The Performance efficiency in the cloud has four main areas:-

  • Selection
  • Review
  • Monitoring
  • Tradeoff

AWS Global Infrastructure

The AWS global infrastructure is massive and is divided into geographical regions. The geographical regions are then divided into separate availability zones. While selecting the geographical regions for AWS, three factors come into play

  • Optimizing Latency
  • Reducing cost
  • Government regulations (Some services are not available for some regions)

Each region is divided into at least two availability zones that are physically isolated from each other, which provides business continuity for the infrastructure as in a distributed system. If one zone fails to function, the infrastructure in other availability zones remains operational. The largest region North Virginia (US-East), has six availability zones. These availability zones are connected by high-speed fiber-optic networking

AWS Cloud Computing Models

There are three cloud computing models available on AWS.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): It is the basic building block of cloud IT. It generally provides access to data storage space, networking features, and computer hardware(virtual or dedicated hardware). It is highly flexible and gives management controls over the IT resources to the developer. For example, VPC, EC2, EBS.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): This is a type of service where AWS manages the underlying infrastructure (usually operating system and hardware). This helps the developer to be more efficient as they do not have to worry about undifferentiated heavy lifting required for running the applications such as capacity planning, software maintenance, resource procurement, patching, etc., and focus more on deployment and management of the applications. For example, RDS, EMR, ElasticSearch.

Software as a Service(SaaS): It is a complete product that usually runs on a browser. It primarily refers to end-user applications. It is run and managed by the service provider. The end-user only has to worry about the application of the software suitable to its needs. For example,, Web-based email, Office 365 .


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