Evolution of Voice Technology(Part-3)

 Voice-activated assistants :

The rapid rise in the popularity of voice assistants equipped with speech recognition technology has made smart speakers and voice-activated assistant devices almost ubiquitous. Their highly convenient and hands-free functionalities such as reading the news, turning on lights and voice searching, have made people dependent on these devices.

The several types of voice-activated assistants:
  •    Siri
  • Cortona
  • Alexa
  • Google assistant

Smart home devices:

The conceptualisation and implementation of the internet of things (IoT) enabled voice assistants have provided a fillip to the smart home industry. A smart home makes it possible to control devices and appliances with voice commands or text messages. From smart bulbs or lamps to smart refrigerators and ovens, decision making at smart homes is becoming easier. 
Smart assistants equipped with speech recognition technology can be connected with smart devices and appliances, thereby allowing users to control them in a convenient and hands-free manner.

Connected cars:

Embedded voice assistants in cars help drivers to focus solely on driving while having hands-free control over other functionalities. In-car speech recognition systems, at the utterance of voice commands, can send text messages or read received messages aloud, make a call, control music, convey the weather report and even schedule appointments. In-car voice assistants enhance the safety and make the overall experience more convenient.


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