Evolution of Voice Technology(Part-2)

 People Adoption:

Use cases such as smart speakers in homes and voice control in automobiles have made voice technology a part of everyday life. The COVID-19 pandemic also resulted in voice technology being adopted across various devices.

The usage of speech recognition technology increased in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic compelled people to mostly stay at home and explore new technologies that are convenient. As the vaccination drive gains momentum worldwide, people are gradually resuming their pre-pandemic lives. However, organisations have realised that customers are unwilling to give up the convenience provided by voice technology. For example, many automakers are incorporating voice solutions into their global position system (GPS), navigation and safety technologies which may be used for interacting with the driver. A variety of industries, including retail, travel and hospitality, have started to understand the benefits of voice technology and are customising voice applications based on specific consumer needs and to deliver tailored customer experiences.

Voice-assistant technology is being improved to make it more realistic and human like. AI speech and translation models are rapidly being used by businesses to automate contact centre enquiries, create intelligent voice assistants and provide voice interfaces for smart devices and apps. They are also using neural text-to-speech systems to enable more natural-sounding speech during interactions with voice assistants. Brands are putting a lot of emphasis on the voice of voice assistants.

Voice assistant applications

There are a few specific commands or wake words that can be used to activate digital assistant applications that are equipped with the capabilities to perform tasks based on voice or text input. These assistants are already being used across households in multiple voice-supported devices like smartphones and smart speakers. From scheduling a meeting, creating an agenda, placing orders online and performing voice searching to simply answering questions and providing solutions, these assistants are making lives easier by anticipating needs and performing a plethora of functions. Voice assistants are now customised to deliver contextual and highly personalised responses, thus increasing their usefulness to consumers.



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