

Introduction to Smalltalk

Smalltalk is a general purpose object oriented programming language which means that there are no primitives and control structures like a procedural language and in this only objects are communicated by the sending of messages and has its applications in almost every industries and every possible domains.
It was designed in early 1970’s and initially came as Smalltalk-80 which was later known as Smalltalk. It was designed by Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg, Dan Ingalls, and others in the Learning Research Group at Xerox PARC.

Objects and Variables in Smalltalk
In Smalltalk there is no concept of data types like integers, boolean, characters and all of these are treated as objects. Also the classes and metaclasses are treated as objects.
There are two types of variables used in Smalltalk. These are instance variables and temporary variables and are declared within enclosed vertical bars at the top of the method name.

Applications and Uses
Smalltalk has influenced many other programming languages like C, Python, Ruby, Java and has an effective computational power. This is the main reason that it is widely used in web applications, Internet of Things(IoT), medical fields, artificial intelligence, machine learning, mobiles, desktops and in many other industrial fields.
Its a versatile language and provides an interactive graphical platform and thus many web developing companies are using Smalltalk on a very large scale.


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