

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is a statically typed, object-oriented programming language that is interoperable with the Java virtual machine (JVM), Java Class Libraries and Android.

The Kotlin programming language was originally designed to improve the Java programming language and is often used in conjunction with Java. Despite being the preferred development language of Android, Kotlin's interoperability with Java has led it to be used with many application types.

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is a statically typed, object-oriented programming language that is interoperable with the Java virtual machine (JVM), Java Class Libraries and Android.

The Kotlin programming language was originally designed to improve the Java programming language and is often used in conjunction with Java. Despite being the preferred development language of Android, Kotlin's interoperability with Java has led it to be used with many application types.

Benefits of Kotlin

Some of the advantages of Kotlin are the following:

  • Interoperability. Kotlin interoperates with Java because they compile to the same byte code. Kotlin can be compiled into JavaScript or an LLVM encoder, which enables programmers to perform just-in-time compiling to ensure that code embedded in another program runs smoothly. It also shares tooling with Java. These features make it easy to migrate Java applications to Kotlin.
  • Safety. Kotlin is designed to help avoid common coding errors that can break code or leave vulnerabilities in it. The language features null safety and eliminating null pointer exception errors.
  • Clarity. Kotlin eliminates some of the redundancy in the basic syntax of popular languages like Java. Kotlin is a timesaver for developers because it provides more concise code. Developers can write programs with less boilerplate code, increasing their productivity.
  • Tooling support. Kotlin has tooling support from Android with tools optimized for Android development, including Android Studio, Android KTX and Android SDK.
  • Community support. Although Kotlin is a relatively new language compared to Java, it has a community of developers who work to improve the language and provide documentation.


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