Smart Quill


Smart Quill

In the market there are various pen’s available but none of them performs operations other than writing. This paper focuses on the extraordinary invention of a pen that performs operation more than writing. Smart Quill is a computer housed within a pen. This pen replaces the keyboard in the office, but it is highly convenient for people who takes notes by hand. The present fashion of computations has started desiring small computers. This has made computer manufacturing companies to go for roughly tool similar to computers. Reducing the size of the handheld computers can only be taken so far before they become impracticable. Keyboards become so infinitesimal you require needle-like fingers to operate them and screens that necessitate stable indicator control to study trouble-free text. 

Working of Smart Quill

Smart Quill measures the movement of pen and then matches them to the movements that produce the words and letters programmed into its memory. It is a bit larger than an ordinary fountain pen. By pushing a button on the pen and writing what the user would like to enter, users can enter information and it does not necessarily need a screen. This technology has the ability to read handwriting not only on paper but on any horizontal or vertical flat surface. There is a three-line screen for reading the information stored in the pen. The users might also scroll down the screen by slightly tilting the pen. The user trains the pen to recognize a particular handwriting , as long as the handwriting is consistent. Even if the handwriting is quite messy the pen can recognize it. The notes are stored on the pen’s hard disk 

Advantages on Smart Quill

i. SmartQuill can read on any flat surface and not only on paper.
ii. SmartQuill is protected by password.
iii. It is portable and highly convenient.
iv. With modems, printers etc it can be linked.

Disadvantages on Smart Quill

i. SmartQuill has accelerometer errors.
ii. People with hand tremours have inconvenience with it.
iii. It has a size bigger than a normal pen.
iv. Due to the thermal variations in the spring errors are introduced in the system. 


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