Smart Spaces


Smart spaces, also known as connected places, are physical locations equipped with networked sensors to give owners, occupants and managers more and better information about the condition of those locations and how they’re used. Locations for smart spaces can range from a building with networked temperature and motion sensors to a vehicle that constantly reports its location, performance and maintenance needs.

Introducing smart spaces!

Smart spaces are one of the latest tech trends that is deeply intertwined with the growth of IoT. The number of devices connected to the IoT network will pass the 30 billion mark in less than two years, which creates exciting opportunities for fully digitalized home and work areas.

Sociological studies predicted that by the end of 2020 more than 1 billion people will have left their fixed desks behind. This means at least 13% of the world population will be looking to benefit from spaces, which can be customized according to their specific needs.

What are the business benefits of smart spaces?
  1. Environmental benefits and cost savings: Smart spaces reduce energy costs through real-time adjustments of heating, cooling and lighting based on changes in weather and building occupancy. Because they can be monitored and adjusted remotely, smart spaces reduce carbon footprints while saving money in the process.
  2. Risk mitigation: The monitoring and remote control capabilities of smart spaces allow supervisors to catch problems early and often help prevent them before they start. By anticipating or uncovering early warnings of problems in heating, plumbing and other infrastructures, smart spaces can reduce costly repairs and inconvenience to occupants. 
  3. A safer, smarter experience for work and play: Smart spaces using surveillance and security systems improve the experience for occupants by providing a safer, better protected place to live and work. Smart spaces also provide convenience through sensor alerts for availability of (for example) laundry or exercise equipment.


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