Data Security


Data Security

Data Security safeguards digital data from unwanted access, corruption, or theft. It is a notion that imparts physical security to hardware and software devices and covers all aspects of information security. It also imparts administrative and access controls and logical security to software applications. It also covers policies and procedures to be followed by a company.l

Why is Data Security important?

Data is a valuable asset that generates, acquires, saves, and exchanges for any company. Protecting it from internal or external corruption and illegal access protects a company from financial loss, reputational harm, consumer trust degradation, and brand erosion. Furthermore, regulations for securing data, imposed by the government and the industry, make it critical for a company to achieve and maintain compliance wherever it does business.

Main elements of Data Security

The three components of Data Security that all companies should adhere to are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The CIA triad is a security paradigm and framework for the protection of data. Here is what each fundamental piece implies in terms of preventing unwanted access and data exfiltration.

Confidentiality: Ensures that only authorized users, with appropriate credentials, have access to data.

Integrity: Ensures that all data is accurate, trustworthy, and not prone to unjustified changes.

Availability: Ensures that data is accessible and available for ongoing business needs in a timely and secure manner.


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