Network security

Network Security

Network Security refers to the measures taken by any enterprise or organization to secure its computer network and data using both hardware and software systems. This aims at securing the confidentiality and accessibility of the data and network. Every company or organization that handles a large amount of data, has a degree of solutions against many cyber threats. 

The most basic example of Network Security is password protection which the user of the network oneself chooses. 

Network Security: Working 

The basic principle of network security is protecting huge stored data and networks in layers that ensure the bedding of rules and regulations that have to be acknowledged before performing any activity on the data. 

These levels are:  

1. Physical
2. Technical 
3. Administrative 

Physical Network Security: 
This is the most basic level that includes protecting the data and network through unauthorized personnel from acquiring control over the confidentiality of the network. 
Technical Network Security: 
It primarily focuses on protecting the data stored in the network or data involved in transitions through the network. 
Administrative Network Security: 
This level of network security protects user behavior like how the permission has been granted and how the authorization process takes place. 
Types of Network Security: 
The few types of network securities are discussed below : 

Access Control
Not every person should have a complete allowance for the accessibility to the network or its data. One way to examine this is by going through each personnel’s details. This is done through Network Access Control which ensures that only a handful of authorized personnel must be able to work with the allowed amount of resources. 
Antivirus and Anti-malware Software: 
This type of network security ensures that any malicious software does not enter the network and jeopardize the security of the data. The malicious software like Viruses, Trojans, and Worms is handled by the same. This ensures that not only the entry of the malware is protected but also that the system is well equipped to fight once it has entered. 
Cloud Security: 
Now a day, a lot many organizations are joining hands with cloud technology where a large amount of important data is stored over the internet. This is very vulnerable to the malpractices that few unauthorized dealers might pertain. This data must be protected and it should be ensured that this protection is not jeopardized by anything. Many businesses embrace SaaS applications for providing some of their employees the allowance of accessing the data stored over the cloud. This type of security ensures creating gaps in the visibility of the data. 


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