AI for Cyber Security



This is clear that only smart technologies can help defend against sophisticated cyber devices, with the sophistication of malware and cyber-arms increasing exponentially in the past two years. The following case of "On 15 January 2009, Conficker corrupted "Ultramar" the French Navy computer network.

The United Kingdom Defence Ministry confirmed contamination of some of its key devices and computers. The virus has dispersed through government offices, Navy Star / N * desk departments and hospitals in the town of Sheffield have confirmed infections to more than 800 machines.

Cyber incidents are particularly hazardous with Network Centric Warfare (NCW), and cyber defence alterations are urgently needed. The use of artificial intelligence techniques and knowledge-intensive tools would be vital in new offensive methods like dynamic installation of protected perimeters and integral crisis management, fully automated reactions to attacks in networks.

Research Methodology:

To get an all-round impression of the junction between cybersecurity and AI, we used four databases: Scopus, Web of Science, ACM digital library also IEEE Xplore. Along with that, we also used the Google Scholar search engine. A set of keywords matching the topics were searched for in these databases. To improve our search results and to make them more accurate, the authors refined various keywords from the search machine to obtain the maximum coverage.


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